College freshmen are little balls of stress

College freshmen say they are anxious, overwhelmed and extremely ambitious, according to a UCLA national survey.

About 55 percent said their emotional health was "above average," the lowest percentage since 1985 when the survey was first given.

Anxiety edged out depression for the number one emotional-health related issue listed by the freshmen, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education. This may because more and more freshmen are saying they are extremely driven to succeed.

More than three-quarters of respondents said their ambition to succeed was above average, or in the top 10 percent of their peers.

Only 45.9 percent of women said they were in good emotional health. More than 59 percent of their male peers rated their emotional health as good. What's more, the Chronicle notes, many of those who report they are not in good health are not seeking help with school counselors and mental health professionals.

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