FINAL LOOK: Jared Loughner pleads not guilty

Here is our roster of stories that managed to evade the full-on blog treatment:

• Jared Loughner pleaded not guilty to the federal charges against him stemming from the Tucson shootings. (AZ Central)

• A Florida man killed two police officers in a shootout today. (CNN)

• Tens of thousands of Ecuadorians are suing Chevron for what they claim is the worst oil disaster in the history of the world. (HuffPo)

• New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg thinks that Obama isn't talking enough about gun control. (New York Observer)

• The death toll is up to 35 following a bombing at a Russian airport. (BBC)

• Scientific proof that you rarely need to wash jeans. (GQ)

• A memorable interview with the recently departed fitness guru, Jack LaLanne. (Denver Post)