FINAL LOOK: Loughner posed for photos with gun wearing red panties

Here is our roster of stories that managed to evade the full-on blog treatment:

• Jared Loughner posed for self-portraits with a Glock pistol while wearing a red G-string. (New York Times)

• BP announced that it is negotiating a "possible arrangement" with Russia's state-owned oil company. (AFP)

• The president of Tunisia has been forced out of power and has fled the country. (BBC)

• America's colleges are stepping up efforts to identify mentally imbalanced students. (USA Today)

• Christina Taylor Green's donated organs have helped save the life of a young girl on the East Coast. (AZ Central)

• The city of Houston has passed an ordinance making it illegal to give food to the homeless without a city-issued permit. (Houston Chronicle)

• A Japanese scientist wants to clone a woolly mammoth. (Daily Intel)