FINAL LOOK: Mubarak allies on the attack…

Here's our rundown of stories that evaded the full-on blog treatment today:

• The Egyptian government appears to have unleashed an organized mob of rowdy provocateurs in an effort to drive protesters from the streets. (The New York Times)

• Planned Parenthood fired an employee who was caught on tape giving inappropriate advice to a couple posing as a pimp and a prostitute, as part of a sting run by conservative activists. (The Washington Post)

• The U.S. Army wants to replace the standard rifle that troops around the world have used for almost half a century. (The Wall Street Journal)

• Between 2007 and 2009, the Pentagon paid $285 billion to contractors who were suspended for fraud. (The Huffington Post)

• Gabrielle Giffords' husband Mark Kelly tweeted: "Today was a huge day for GG. Lots of progress!" (USA Today)

• Lindsay Lohan is being investigated for jewelry theft. (The Associated Press)