FINAL LOOK: New Orleans 29% smaller, but more affluent than it was pre-Katrina

Here is our roster of stories that managed to evade the full-on blog treatment:

• New Orleans is 29 percent smaller than it was pre-Katrina, but it is more affluent. (New York Times and Bloomberg)

• Verizon has already completely sold its stock of the new iPhone. (PC Mag)

• There are more drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico now than there were prior to the BP oil disaster. (

• Some citizens of Austin, Texas are trying to have the city's sanitation department renamed the "Fred Durst Society of the Humanities and Arts." (MTV)

• In many states, elected coroners without medical training are deciding whether or not deaths are homicides, suicides, etc. (Pro Publica)

• It's unlikely most Americans know that a non-profit organization will be competing in the Super Bowl, but that's exactly what the Green Bay Packers are. (New Yorker)