FINAL LOOK: Tweet by fashion designer Kenneth Cole sparks outrage

Here is our roster of stories that managed to evade the full-on blog treatment:

• Fashion designer Kenneth Cole caught flak for using the crisis in Egypt to promote his spring collection. (CNN)

• The man who stole $1.5 million in casino chips from the Bellagio in Las Vegas has been arrested after trying to sell the chips to an undercover officer. (ABC News)

• Drilling companies in Pennsylvania are skipping paperwork around new natural gas wells. (Pro Publica)

• The day after military investigators reported the Army could have prevented Bradley Manning's leaks, a Senate investigation finds that the Army could have prevented the Ft. Hood shootings. (Washington Post)

• This week's winter storms will likely have a detrimental effect on Super Bowl spending. (CNBC)

• Carnival Cruises made over $11 billion in the past five years but paid taxes on only 1.1 percent of that profit. (New York Times)