FIRST LOOK: Southern storm kills 178, death toll still rising

Welcome to First Look, our daily roundup of early-bird news:

• A punishing storm has taken 178 lives in Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, and Virginia. (AP)

• No, you're not just imagining it: Tomorrow's royal wedding has gotten more play in American media than in Australia or the UK. (The Cutline)

• Philadelphia is set to cut 1,300 teachers if the governor's new budget is approved. (AP)

• A coalition of big businesses is lobbying for a one-time tax break on overseas profits, promising to bring up to $1 trillion back to the United States in exchange. (Washington Post)

• More than two-thirds of states are planning on raising unemployment taxes on businesses. (New York Times)

• Scientists have discovered that armadillos are a source of leprosy where they are hunted and eaten in the South. (AP)

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