Goldman Sachs pulls out of event honoring Occupy Wall Street
Goldman Sachs contributing thousands to help honor Occupy Wall Street? It sounds like some kind of dystopian dream. But it nearly happened...
Earlier this month, the People's Federal Credit Union, a small lender serving the poor of New York City, sent out an invitation for a fund-raising dinner to mark its 25th anniversary.
One of the sponsors was Goldman Sachs. The firm, which helps fund a nonprofit financial education program run by the credit union, planned to contribute $5000 to the event.
But Goldman seems to have been unaware that the credit union itself wasn't the evening's only honoree. Among the others: Occupy Wall Street, whose protests have featured placards with messages like "Goldman Sachs is the work of the devil."
Alas, soon after the invitation went out, Goldman announced it was pulling out, and canceling its planned donation. The bank decided it "wasn't appropriate" to link its name with the protests, a Goldman exec who had been on the event's host committee told the Wall Street Journal.
Which is a shame: That dinner would have been fun to watch.