Samaritans lift truck off cyclist

Who says Americans aren't capable of pulling together to help out a stranger in need anymore? Especially Americans who love pancakes.

Fifty-seven year old Katie Miller was riding her bike through the parking lot of an International House of Pancakes in North Plainfield, N.J. Monday, when she was hit by a pickup truck whose driver was in the process of turning around.

Miller fell to the ground, with the truck on top of her. She was having difficulty breathing, and was turning purple.

That's when IHOP manager Jose Preciado and nine others jumped into action. The group, which also included a cook and several diners, teamed up to pull the enormous vehicle off of Miller.

In the end, Miller suffered broken ribs and possibly a punctured lung, police chief William Parenti told the Courier News of Bridgewater. But he said the good samaritans might have saved her life.

Police are still investigating the accident.