Tarballs, oiled debris washing up on Alabama coast

While reports of oil and tarballs washing up along the Gulf Coast have certainly diminished of late, it still looks like not all the oil spilled into the Gulf is "gone," as some have famously claimed. The Mobile Press Register reports that Alabama's Fort Morgan peninsula is "awash in tarballs" and other oiled debris after strong currents pushed the materials inland in recent days.

In response to the reports, BP -- whose stock price just hit a six-month high -- said that it was dispatching cleanup crews to the area, and insisted that it remains committed to keeping its oft-repeated promise to make the Gulf Coast region "whole" again.

"We've stated all along that we expect the beaches to be clean by spring break 2011 tourism season," the oil giant said in a statement. "That's been our goal and commitment all along and we are making steady progress towards meeting that goal. While most of the oil has been removed, BP will continue to clean all oiled areas until the job is done."

(Photo via WKRG)