Two religious leaders slam Kyl, DeMint’s ‘sacrilegious’ Christmas argument

Two religious leaders who are advocating for the passage of the DREAM Act slammed GOP Sens. Jon Kyl and Jim DeMint's argument that it would be "sacrilegious" to continue the Senate session until Dec. 25.

"That is some maneuvering that really is simply inappropriate," said Rev. Jerry Dykstra, the director of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. Dykstra added that Jesus said it was important to do what is right, even on the Sabbath.

"I'm not sure I would think that kind of a comment actually deserves a legitimate answer," said Mat Staver, dean of Liberty University School of Law. "The fact of the matter is nobody is asking someone to work on Christmas Day. I just don't think that such a comment has much merit."

Arizona Sen. Kyl said Democrats were "disrespecting one of the two holiest days for Christians" by wanting the session to continue until Christmas Day. DeMint said it was "sacrilegious," according to The Hill.

The religious leaders were on a conference call to promote the passage of the DREAM Act, which would provide a path to legalization for young immigrants who want to join the military or attend college.

(Photo of DeMint: AP)