Union-Walker showdown heats up over weekend

The confrontation between Wisconsin's public sector unions and the state's GOP Gov. Scott Walker escalated over the weekend, with the largest protest yet outside the Wisconsin capitol. Police estimated that nearly 70,000 people demonstrated on Saturday against Walker's proposal to end collective bargaining rights for state workers, making this the largest protest in the area since the Vietnam War.

Walker says he will begin layoffs of 1,500 state workers (eventually building to a total of 12,000 workers) if at least one state Democratic senator on the lam does not return and allow a vote on the bill. The Milwaukee Sentinel-Journal deduces that Tuesday is the unofficial deadline for a vote. The bill has already passed the state assembly.

The head of Madison Teachers Inc. union John Matthews told The Lookout that teachers will continue to picket after school every day this week, and that next Saturday's protest is expected to be even larger.

Meanwhile, The Wisconsin State Journal reported that around 600 protesters stayed the night inside the capitol Sunday, despite earlier rumors it would be shut down. Matthews says police have supported the protesters and even brought food to some of those who stayed overnight in the capitol. Today, however, officials have announced that protesters will not be allowed to bring backpacks or sleeping bags inside the building in an effort to discourage more sleepovers.

(Saturday's protest at the Wisconsin capitol: AP)