Videos of the South’s scary weather week

The South has been pounded with tornadoes, baseball-size hail and disastrous flooding this week, leaving eleven dead in Arkansas and three in Mississippi as of Wednesday morning. And meteorologists warn that residents of the Tennessee Valley will most likely continue to experience extreme weather through today.

Early this morning, 100 mile-per-hour winds battered Alabama, leaving nearly 250,000 residents without power, Reuters reports. In southern Missouri, about a thousand people have been displaced due to severe flooding, and North Texas was hit Monday with hail and at least one funnel cloud, even as the state struggles to battle deadly wildfires.

Indeed, this month is on track to live in twister infamy. "We may finish out April with more than 300 tornadoes," Storm Prediction Center's Carbin told CNN. "It looks like it will be a record-breaker as far as sheer numbers go. The numbers for April are definitely on a record pace."

One of those who died in the storms was a police officer who'd shielded his daughter from a falling tree, saving her during a Mississippi storm, the AP reports. (Read Time's explanation of how the nasty weather system started.)

We've rounded up some videos documenting the tornadoes' paths of destruction in the past month:

This AP video shows a huge funnel forming in Monday's storm that hit North Texas:

This surveillance video shows a tornado lifting a shed off the ground in Covington County, Mississippi this week:

Terrifying surveillance video caught the path of a tornado ripping its way right through St. Louis Lambert airport on Saturday. The twister smashed the windows of the terminal and ripped a whole in the roof:

Here's video of two massive tornadoes forming up close in Michigan and Missouri on April 19, via

(George Tate stands beside his storm-ruined Knoxville, TN home Tuesday: AP)