Wisconsin military couple surprise their children at airport

Tru and Tashia Ulman thought they were just touring a Wisconsin airport with a group of Scouts.

Then something caught their eye that caused them to sprint through the concourse and jump—right into the arms of the parents they hadn't seen since October.

Fox 11 was on the scene at the Outagamie County Regional Airport in Wisconsin when Travis and Isela Ulman, both serving in the U.S. Army in Afghanistan, returned home to the emotional surprise of their two children.

"I was shocked,"11-year-old Tashia told Fox, 11 after the tearful reunion.

Nine-year-old Tru said, "I didn't really know we were going to do anything. I thought it was just a Scouts thing."

Travis and Isela Ulman didn't let anyone in their family know they were returning to the area until hours before their arrival. And they kept it a total secret from their children.

"We totally lied to everybody," said Isela Ulman in the Fox 11 story. "We told them we were coming back in December."

For Travis Ulman, the break comes in the middle of his first deployment. It's Isela's second trip overseas. Both are paratroopers of a unit expected to be in Afghanistan until October.

But for two weeks, the Ulmans are together as a family.

What will they doing during that time?

"Hug them over and over, and then I want to show them my room and I want to bring them to school," Tashia told Fox 11.

"We are just going to go and take it day by day so we don't try to rush things and miss something," said Isela Ulman to the TV station. "We're just going to do whatever happens."