Indians minor-league team giving away Willie Mays Hayes bobblehead

Proving once again that baseball has undying love for the fictional Cleveland Indians from the film "Major League," the Akron Rubber Ducks have announced they're giving away Willie Mays Hayes bobbleheads this season. Actually, it's a "bobblelegs" doll, according to the team.

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The Rubber Ducks (real name, we swear) are the Indians' Double-A affiliate, which we suppose gives them as much right as anybody to dig into "Major League" lure and give us more toys inspired by the 1989 classic. It's a classic to baseball fans, anyway.

The Ducks announced their promo calendar and it also includes bobbleheads for a few other fictional characters: Shooter McGavin from "Happy Gilmore" for one, and Miss Lippy from "Billy Madison." But we care more about "Major League," because what baseball fan wouldn't? The Rubber Ducks haven't yet unveiled what the Willie Mays Hayes bobble will look like and our mind can't help but wonder.

[Previously: 15 things you didn't know about "Major League"]

Since it's a bobblelegs rather than a bobblehead, that narrows things down somewhat. Here are our best guesses/fingers-crossed hopes:

1. The most likely possibility is that it's Hayes leading off first base, knees bent and ready to steal.

2. It could also be Hayes doing push-ups after hitting a pop-up. Though, it would probably need bobble-elbows too.

3. The least likely idea — but still our favorite — is a Willie Mays Hayes bobble in which he's sliding into second base but not quite making it.

Whichever it is, you can rest assured, Rubber Ducks, that we want one and might be prepared to trek to Akron to get it.

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