The 1964 Pontiac GTO Sedan Delivery, a car that never existed: Flickr photo of the day

Every so often something pops into the Motoramic pool on Flickr that really stands out, and today it's this, a photo by coconv of what's billed as a 1964 Pontiac GTO Sedan Delivery. If you know your old cars, you know there was never such a beast; Pontiac stopped building two-door "sedan delivery" wagons in the late '50s and never built a GTO wagon, despite the wishes of millions of unborn hipsters. Goat enthusiasts have been known to take a Tempest wagon and re-create the GTO with appropriate body parts and engines, but this creation would take far more metalwork, even though GM built a handful of two-door wagons in that era. Congrats to whomever put this together; it's the coolest custom I've seen in a while.

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