Fans Broken Up Over Jonas Brothers Breakup

By Laura Ferreiro

It's a sad week for Jonas Brothers fans. The mega-popular boy band has called it a day after eight years together, and announced that they're going their separate ways. Even Wikipedia is referring to the band in the past tense, stating, "The Jonas Brothers were an American pop rock band." Sigh.

Kevin, Joe and Nick Jonas posted a letter to their fans on Facebook on Thursday, briefly explaining the reason for the break up. They said that they're each intending to pursue their own solo careers, and focus more on being a family than a band.

"It is with heavy hearts that we confirm that our time as the Jonas Brothers is over," they wrote. "This decision has not come lightly, and we know that many of you will be disappointed. The time has come for us to move forward on individual career paths. We have been a band of brothers for 10 years and are now choosing simply to be brothers. Going forward, you can expect exciting things from each of us, and we will of course continue to support each other in all things."

Even more disheartening news for fans – the brothers announced they have no plans to release their next album, V, which has been in the works for a while. That said, they do intend to offer up a parting gift – a digital album that contains four new studio recordings that they had originally intended to release on V. They'll also offer up 10 live tracks from their recent summer tour.

In an interview with ABC News, Nick revealed that he was the first one to broach the difficult subject of breaking up and initiate what he called a "tough conversation."

"I think in a nutshell I said, 'Look, I feel like we've had some complications with the new group for a long time without addressing them,'" Nick said. "I think this train will fall off the tracks without really getting real about some of the concerns and some of the limitations we may feel as individuals."

The announcement of the Jonas Brothers' breakup caused an outpouring of emotion from Jonatics around the world – a majority of them female. Some, including Alejandra Rangel, simply said, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" while many others explained how heartbreaking it is to see the demise of the band they grew up with.

"Oh my gosh...I don't even know what to say right now...this was my childhood, and it carried with me into my adult years," wrote India Caprielle Dale." I literally grew up with the Jonas Brothers while watching them grow. My heart feels heavy right now. We love you boys sooo much! We'll continue to support you in your individual endeavors, but we will never forget. JoBro fan for life!!"

Madison Scaini wrote, "You guys will always be a huge part of my life whether you're a band or not. I love all three of you and thank you for bringing your talent, charm, and unbelievably good looks into my life Miss you already xo."

"I'll never stop crying," wrote Alejandra Ramirez Camayo. "The Jonas Brothers were not just part of my childhood, but also part of my teenage years and part of my life, they mean so much to me and I bet they mean the world too to many other Jonatics, I'll never regret joining the fandom or choosing them as one of my favorite bands. Love them forever."

Others decided to self-medicate by listening to Jonas Brothers' albums, including @SuzyCamlin who Tweeted, "In light of the statement today from the Jonas Brothers confirming their break-up, I am soothing my heartache by listening to every album."