Bakery celebrates two holidays with its “Thanksgivukkah” donuts

This year, for the first time in over a century, the first day of Hanukkah and Thanksgiving will be on the same date. This, of course, means that a lot of Americans will be breathing a sigh of relief that they can wrap up two major doses of extended family time in one go. To help celebrate the time of the year, Zucker Bakery in New York has come up with something that can only be described as magnificent: Thanksgivukkah donuts. BAM.

Listen, I get it, man. When I was first told about people putting turkey inside of donuts, I got angry. I sneered and walked away from my computer. I screamed at an old woman. I tagged a hospital wall. I called my coworker, Tad, ugly.

It was a bad scene. But after they sedated me and tied me to my chair, they showed me the pictures of what the bakery was making and boy howdy, I’m onboard. Zucker Bakery’s Gil Levy spoke with WNYW My Fox New York about what’s going on here…

“We took the traditional Hanukkah donuts and combined it with a Thanksgiving dinner, and put the turkey and the cranberry inside the donut.”

And that’s how you get something LIKE THIS.

But they didn’t stop there. They also make a sweet potato donut with a marshmallow filling.

They’re not afraid to keep nice and simple, though. They’ve got a classic jelly donut, too.

Because you’re an American, I know you understand why people would put meat inside just about anything, but you might be asking, “Donuts for Hanukkah? What in the world?” I’ll explain, but first…another donut picture.

Focus, me. The celebration of Hanukkah is a commemoration of a group of Jewish guerillas that took back the city of Jerusalem from a Greek army. The Greeks, while they had Jerusalem in their grips, defiled the city’s holy temple. When the triumphant Jewish group came back and repaired the temple, they lit its menorah as part of a rededication.

However, there was such a small amount of oil left at the temple that they only expected the menorah to be lit for one day. Instead, it lasted eight. That’s some dandy oil, no? So it’s because of the oil that Jews celebrate the holiday by eating foods that are fried in, say it with me now, oil. Jelly donuts fill the bill, and so does the almighty latke.

If you live in New York and you like things that are good, you can start buying these suckers now. But do it quickly - there’s a chance they might stop selling them after the holiday if demand isn’t great enough.

More info: WNYW, Zucker Bakery