Cop Crashes Into a Dunkin' Donuts in New Jersey

Cop Crashes Into a Dunkin' Donuts in New Jersey

Cops and doughnuts. Doughnuts and cops. The two seem to be about as intertwined in our minds as jelly is to a bear claw. Unfortunately, one of South Jersey's finest has taken that stereotype a little too far after crashing his police SUV into the storefront of a Dunkin' Donuts at 11 a.m. last Friday.

Few details have been released about the cause of the incident. The local NBC Philadelphia affiliate reported shortly after the crash that the officer had collided with another vehicle, which caused him to veer off of the road and into the restaurant.

The breakfast eatery was open at the time of the incident. However, no employees or customers were injured. The building has some structural damage, and the police officer suffered minor injuries. Still no word on how many Munchkins were injured.