Woman disgusted after she bites into Kashi bar with maggots

Denise Stone of Indianapolis, Indiana was queasy after she bit into a Kashi bar and discovered it was infested with live maggots. For the past two months Denise had stuck to her goal of eating a healthier diet telling WISH 8 News, "I had not eaten nothing fried, no pop, none of that."

So when she found herself hungry while shopping at a local Big Lots store, she reached for the healthiest option she could find and purchased a sealed Kashi protein bar. "When I bit into it, I said, ‘Uhh! Eating healthy is so nasty.' I had closed my eyes and said that," Denise recalled. “Then I just looked at the pack and I just, I just seen maggots, and I just started spitting. I just had them everywhere. I was screaming…I had maggots all in my mouth." The bar was filled with dozens of living, squirming maggots.

Denise took a look at the wrapper and saw that it was marked July 2, 2013. Ms. Stone returned to the Big Lots store and was disappointed when she claimed, “…the manager said, 'Well I'll just give you your refund.' I said, 'Refund?! I just said I had maggots all in my mouth from your protein bar!’"

No explanation was given as to why expired products were being sold by the store. The upset customer was offered a refund of 85 cents, her purchase price including tax, but instead left with the protein bar. Denise will visit a hospital to get checked out and said she doesn’t currently have plans to take legal action.

Video and more info: WISH