Oh that Joe! The VP as team player

Politically Foul

Oh that Joe. Vice President Joe Biden has been known for his fair share of gaffes. But even when he steps in it, he is still an asset to Obama -- a real team player that understands his role in this game.

But will Biden throw a touchdown? Or fuuuuuummmmmble?

How about a little of both? This week Biden told a crowd in Detroit, Mich., "Folks, I can tell you I've known eight presidents. Three of them intimately." Way too much information Mr. Vice President.

But in the end, Biden knows what his job is: Block and tackle and protect the star quarterback.

"You guys in the O-line, you get the living hell kicked out of you," he told a group of high school football players in Minneapolis, Minn. "Your name never gets put up in the lights, no one ever pays attention to that play and the only time you really get mentioned in the game is if you make a mistake and miss a block right?"

Sounds like Biden knows the play book.

Whether the game is football or baseball or politics, it's really very simple. In the words of Bull Durham character Ebby Calvin LaLoosh, "Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains."

As Hurricane Isaac barrels down on the Republican National Convention in Tampa Florida, attendees would be wise to note that even ballers don't mess with Mother Nature.