Still Time to Join the Republican Race?

Bottom Line

Could a new dream candidate suddenly jump into the Republican presidential race? That's the question we started with today on the Bottom Line, an idea that even former Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour says is possible if the primary contest remains divided.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie bluntly told me that senior Republicans are still trying to recruit him for the 2012 race. But his answer remains "No."

"What I say back to them is 'I'm supporting Mitt Romney and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure he wins the nomination,'" Christie said on GMA.

My Bottom Line: Talk of a new dream candidate is just that, a dream. After tomorrow there will be only 10 states where the filing deadline has not passed. And even if someone new gets on the ballot in those states and goes on to win them, that new entry could only possibly garner about one-third of the delegates needed to secure the nomination. And I don't see Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum folding easily to such a new comer

And finally — we like to end our Bottom Lines with questions from you on Twitter and Facebook. Today's question was certainly unusual!. Rich Calabrese, Jr. wrote on my Facebook page "Has anyone ever told you that you look like a younger David Lee Roth (Van Halen)? Your face, NOT your hair?"

Check out my answer in the Bottom Line video. Hm. What do you think?