Clint’s son Scott Eastwood wants to follow dad into ‘leading man’ roles

Leading man?... Scott Eastwood wants to be taken seriously as an actor (Credit: OMG)
Leading man?... Scott Eastwood wants to be taken seriously as an actor (Credit: OMG)

Reposted from Yahoo UK Movies

When your dad's Clint Eastwood, one would have thought there's a couple of obvious career paths ahead of you. Or perhaps just one.

The screen legend's 27-year-old son Scott is now firmly ploughing ahead with following his father into a career in the movies.

He's already hitting the ground running, currently in London shooting with Brad Pitt on the set of World War II drama 'Fury'.

[Clint Eastwood splits with wife Dina]

Meanwhile, pictures published earlier this month of the young chap cavorting on a boat for US magazine Town & Country haven't done him any harm either.

The pics rapidly went viral – thanks in no small part to his ripped washboard stomach – with some more hysterical corners of the internet quickly branding him 'the world's best looking man'.

Rugged... Scott's pictures went viral (Credit: Town & Country / Noe DeWitt)
Rugged... Scott's pictures went viral (Credit: Town & Country / Noe DeWitt)
Relaxed... Eastwood looking good on photoshoot (Credit: Town & Country / Noe DeWitt)
Relaxed... Eastwood looking good on photoshoot (Credit: Town & Country / Noe DeWitt)

With more than a hint of his father's rugged visage, Eastwood, who until reasonably recently was known more anonymously as Scott Reeves, using his mother's family name, has the matinee idol looks that could propel him into the right places.

Speaking to the New York Post, he said: “I like being under the radar. I didn’t get into this business to become famous. I got into this business because I like acting and I want to make movies. I would be happy living the rest of my life never famous.”

Well, thanks to the pictures, he's not under the radar any more.

“I really don’t even know how to answer that, to be honest,” he said. “I’m single . . . if girls like me, hey, that’s great. I think that’s awesome.”

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Eastwood and his mother, Jacelyn Allen Reeves, had an affair when Eastwood was involved with actress Sondra Locke, and they had two children together, Scott and his sister Kathryn, two of Eastwood's seven children.

Good genes... Clint back in 1954, with actresses Olive Sturgess and Dani Crayne (Credit: Press Association)
Good genes... Clint back in 1954, with actresses Olive Sturgess and Dani Crayne (Credit: Press Association)

Growing up following his father around film sets, he scored small cameo roles in his father's own films, including 'Flags of our Fathers' and 'Gran Torino', but only after passing the auditions.

He says he wanted not use his father's name to make it on his own and 'to at least see if I could do it by myself'. He's taken it on now, but said that the choice was 'inevitable'.

“Everyone wants to pitch Eastwood; that’s the cheapest game in the book,” he added. “Can you make it on your own? Can you stand on your own two feet? If you’re not good, if you can’t carry your weight in the audition room... it doesn’t matter what your last name is.

Of his plans, he added: “I want to be a man’s man - not a kid actor or a glitzy pop star but a no-bulls–t leading man.”

Just like dad, then.