Beauty queen awarded nearly $30,000 after car accident keeps her out of high heels

A British beauty queen was awarded more than £18,000 (about $28,000) by a judge who agreed that she no longer can wear high heels without suffering debilitating pain.

The BBC reports that Fiona Dickie, 24, suffered the injury in a 2009 car accident. She went on to win the 2010 Miss Edinburgh contest but says she suffers from chronic back pain after wearing high heels to charity events.

"This is not the conduct of a malingerer or someone who is seeking to secure the most compensation possible for her injuries," said Judge Gordon Reid in his decision to award Dickie the equivalent of $28,549.

The lawyers for defendant Mohammadreza Khandani argued that Dickie's injuries only merited a smaller payment of £3,500.

However, Judge Reid said Dickie should be commended for her continued efforts to make charitable appearances despite her back pain after the car accident.

Dickie reportedly told the court that she is not pursuing a career as a model. She had a day job as a sales manager but continues to make appearances at charity events to honor her Edinburgh commitment. She says she originally entered the pageant to encourage other young women to be "more independent," according to The Telegraph.

"She knows she can wear high heels but will suffer the next day for doing so. It seems to me that rather than being criticized she should be commended for her efforts," he said.