Filmmaker believes musical score could lead to Nazi gold

March Impromptu by Gottfried Federlein (

It sounds like something out of a thriller from Hollywood's golden age. Or maybe an Indiana Jones flick.

Long ago, when Nazi Germany was on the verge of falling to the Allied forces, a large portion of the famed Nazi gold went missing.

What became of it has tantalized treasure hunters for decades. Now, according to a report in Spiegel Online, a Dutch filmmaker is claiming to have cracked a code that could lead to the gold.

According to Spiegel, Dutch filmmaker Leon Giesen examined an old musical score to "Marsch Impromptu" by composer Gottfried Federlein. The score was acquired by Dutch journalist Karl Hammer.

Giesen believes that hidden in the score are clues from Hitler's private secretary Martin Bormann. Those scribbles and scratches, Giesen believes, could lead to the infamous Nazi gold.

Specifically, the score includes an added line that Giesen believes is very telling. "Wo Matthias die Saiten Streichelt," which translates to "Where Matthew plucks strings."

That, according to Spiegel, is a reference to Mittenwald, a German town famous for its tradition of making violins.

But wait, there's more. Via Spiegel:

Moreover, he contends that the score contains a schematic diagram of the train tracks that ran through Mittenwald in the 1940s, and that the rune and fragmented sentence “Enden der Tanz” (“end the dance”) at the end of the score means the treasure can be found at the former site of the buffer stops.

An excavation is already underway, but so far, no gold. Spiegel writes that Giesen is seeking funding that will allow the digging to continue. 

Yahoo News spoke with Karl Hammer, the investigative journalist who acquired the document. He says he does not want any money or treasures. He only wants the puzzle to be solved.