You’ve probably never seen Robert Downey Jr. like this before

It's not as undeniably awesome as the Chicks With Buscemi Eyes Tumblr or the Nic Cage as Everyone blog that gained Internet fame last year, but the recently launched Pin Up Robert Downey Jr. Tumblr has plenty of meme potential.

The site features digitally altered vintage pinup girl paintings by American artist Gil Elvgren with the actor's expressive mug. Since late June, the Tumblr has published dozens of RDJ pinup "girls," all produced by the site's anonymous creator. But as with the Buscemi and Cage sites, visitors are encouraged to submit their own pinups with the "Sherlock Holmes" star's face.

The reception, to this point, has been overwhelmingly positive—though plans for a calendar of Downey calendar girls appear to have been dashed, at least for now.

"I have a feeling the calendar thing might be a no-go," the Tumblr's creator wrote on Monday. "I didn't think about copyrights or anything."

Downey, though, would probably approve. The "Iron Man" and "Avengers" actor made a surprise appearance at Comic-Con in San Diego on Saturday, dancing into the convention hall to the music of Luther Vandross and leading the crowd in singing "Happy Birthday" to a 15-year-old girl in attendance.

[H/T: Lost at E Minor]