$5,000 spider covered guitar probably the coolest 3D printed object you can buy

Without a doubt, 3D printing is technology that is revolutionizing manufacturing in the United States. Researchers are using the technology to print new blood vessels, and some doctors are even printing replacement bones for patients. But in one of the coolest new applications for the technology — and we mean legitimately street cool — one designer is using 3D technology to print incredibly detailed, fully customized spider web guitars.

The new guitar was designed by Olaf Diegel, an Australian professor of Mechatronics. It uses a pretty advanced type of printing technology — namely, an EOS Formiga P100 laser sintering system — to create incredibly complex details such as the individual spiders inside the aluminum-filled nylon frame. It's a solid, one-piece construction. And thanks to the 3D printing technique used, it's near infinitely customizable.

If you're interested in taking home one of Diegel's designs to shred on, you better start saving up. A 3D printed guitar starts around $3,000, and could run all the way up to $5,000 — about as much as you'd pay for a genuine vintage Stratocaster.


This article was written by Fox Van Allen and originally appeared on Tecca

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