Facebook now has as many users as the entire internet had in 2004

Facebook is the most popular social network in the world, but more than that, it's also one of the two most frequented websites in all of the internet. It routinely trades places with Google as the most visited web service, and by the company's estimates it now has over 800 million active users. That's more regular visitors than the entire internet had in 2004.

When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed the staggering number social media citizens that routinely use the site, the team at Royal Pingdom decided to compare it with the only numbers that come close — world population statistics. And even when stacked up against the whole of humanity, the social network manages to stand its ground. Facebook now has more than twice the population of any single country on the planet.

Additionally, with the exception of Asia, Facebook currently has more social networkers than any single continent has internet subscribers. Asia's 922 million web users are the last hurdle to top, and that will undoubtedly be no problem for the ever-growing company. It's an absolutely ridiculous feat, especially for a company that was born as a digital meeting place for Ivy League students.

This article originally appeared on Tecca

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