The iTree is the biggest, priciest, weirdest iPhone dock we’ve ever seen

iPhone docks come in all shapes and sizes. The ridiculous number of the Apple smartphones out there in the wild means that the market is big for places to charge them while pumping out some tunes. But rarely does such a device require custom orders and sport a price tag of $15,000. The iTree by KMKG Studio is one such creation.

After a customer selects the type of wood they'd like — you can even specify an individual tree if you take a trip to the forest with the carpenters — the log is hollowed and prepped. Workers then go hands-on, installing the wiring and high-quality speakers that make the wood rock. Depending on the design, the sound and phone charging hardware can be almost completely hidden from view, leaving the final product looking like a well cared-for chunk of forest debris. The iTree can even be made to work with your iPad if you so desire.

The studio website says that past docks have traditionally been made of spruce, cherry, or poplar trunks, but almost any tree would do. With such a lofty price tag and the remarkable amount of work that goes into crafting just one of the iTree docks, it's not the most practical device on the market — but its cool factor is simply off the charts.

[via Geeky Gadgets]

This article originally appeared on Tecca

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