LED court lines change the game under your feet

The future of high-tech sporting has already gifted us with odd signs of the times like robo-soccer and NFL playbooks on the iPad, but this forward-thinking idea could be a real game changer — literally. Netherlands-based company LEDSSPORTS has come up with a clever way to multi-purpose a single sporting space using — you guessed it — LED lights.

The clever product, LEDCourt, projects a set of lines onto a surface, making it possible to convert a basketball court to a volleyball court in seconds. The innovation is meant to cut down on the complex patterns of lines that criss-cross the floor in many mixed-use sporting spaces, and schools in particular stand to benefit, since one gymnasium often serves as a space for many sports.

In the video above, you can get a sense of just how visible the lines are — they look just as clear as the real, painted thing. The Dutch company also invented a projected LED shot clock, which probably offers fewer distinctly virtual challenges to refs than the LED court lines.


This article originally appeared on Tecca

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