LinkedIn leapfrogs Myspace to become America’s second biggest social network

We've known for some time that former social networking stalwart Myspace is essentially in freefall. The company was recently sold for a small fraction of what it was estimated to be worth at its peak, and anyone serious about finding their friends online has already jumped ship to Facebook or even the new Google+. In fact, Myspace's fall as been so dramatic, that the business-focused network LinkedIn has now managed to overtake it, becoming the second largest social network in America.

With nearly 34 million web users visiting the site in the month of June, LinkedIn finally surpassed the struggling social network by over a million visitors. Myspace continues to decline in its reach, despite attempting to reinvent itself as an entertainment destination, complete with a new logo which it introduced late last year. Meanwhile, Facebook has furthered its lead on a regular basis, now boasting over 750 million users.

Both networks were founded in 2003, and as Myspace experienced a meteoric rise to fame, LinkedIn remained a place for career-minded web users to interact, meet new people, and search for employment. Because of this unique focus, LinkedIn has been able to maintain its steady growth while avoiding the pitfalls that Myspace has since succumbed to. Today, LinkedIn is one of the best places for job seekers to find tips and leads to new employment, and if it stays the course, it should remain that way for a long time to come.

CNN via Shiny Shiny

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