Man wants to attend an Apple event so bad he’s willing to change his name to do it

Have a ticket to Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) this June 11 that you're just not going to be able to use? Well, there's a man in San Francisco who wants to take that ticket off your hands — a man so desperate to attend the event that he'll undergo a legal name change just to be able to use your ticket.

The anonymous buyer posted an ad on Craigslist, offering a whopping $1,600 for a ticket to Apple's WWDC. The only catch is that tickets to the conference are non-transferable. That means that if the buyer wants to use someone else's ticket, nothing short of a legal name change will do.

We're not sure that this tactic will actually work, since June 11 is right around the corner and a legal name change takes quite some time to work its way through the courts. But hey, that's a problem for the buyer, not you, the prospective seller. Need the pot sweetened a bit? The anonymous developer has offered to perform jury duty, stand in for you at the Department of Motor Vehicles, and even perform court ordered community service obligations for you, up to 40 hours. None of that is probably legal, of course, but this bonus is: You can score an extra $500 if your first name is Jebodiah.

[via BGR]

This article was written by Fox Van Allen and originally appeared on Tecca

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