Netflix raises plan prices, splits DVD and streaming options

Apparently all good things, or at least all good prices, must come to an end. Gone are the days of getting both unlimited DVDs and unlimited streaming video from Netflix for one low price; the company has just announced a new pricing scheme that separates DVDs from streaming video, and charges full price for both. Subscribers can now choose unlimited streaming video for $7.99 a month, or unlimited DVDs (one at a time) also for $7.99 a month. If you want both, you'll have to pay $15.98 each month for the privilege.

There was a time when if you wanted to watch a movie, you actually had to go to a theater to do it. Then came home video, and eventually, Netflix removed the need to leave your house to rent movies to watch. Then came Netflix streaming, and fans of instant gratification rejoiced. As subscribers quickly realized the convenience of streaming video, Netflix introduced a streaming-only subscription option. For a while, fans of both streaming video and DVDs had it great — newer movies on DVD, older features to watch on streaming video whenever they wanted, and all for a pretty good price. Now, not so much.

Why the change? Netflix claims that it makes better financial sense to keep the plans fully separate. Reading some of the hundreds of comments from irate subscribers (and soon-to-be-former subscribers) on their blog, however, really makes one wonder. As some have pointed out, if Netflix were to make more titles available for streaming, that could alleviate some of the aggravation. Personally, if we hadn't already switched to a streaming-only plan, we certainly would be doing so now. Now we're wondering if the folks at Redbox are doing a dance of joy for all the Netflix expatriates who might use this as the impetus to switch...

Netflix via Consumerist

Post by Katherine Gray

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