No-parking zone enforcement, the Lithuanian way

Bike lanes are serious business in Lithuania. Arturas Zuokas, the mayor of the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius, wants pedestrians and cyclists to know that people with luxury cars can't just park anywhere they want, including blocking lanes set aside for cyclists.

So what did he do when the owner of a Mercedes parked his car blocking a bike lane? As any self-respecting Mayor would do, he ran over the vehicle with a Russian armored personnel carrier. "It shows a lack of respect and won't be tolerated," Zuokas said. "Of course, you have to have a sense of humour in my line of work and I thought this would be a way of drawing attention to the fact that the city intends to be proactive in its fight against illegal parking."

That's certainly one way to go about it! The whole thing was actually a publicity stunt dreamed up by the mayor and a Swedish television show, to highlight road safety concerns. The car was bought secondhand for the stunt, and its owner was actually an actor.

Google via Small World News Service

Post by Katherine Gray

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