Post-it note war declared, rages on between French office buildings

We all work hard at the office, right? Of course. But sometimes, you have to take a break and let off some steam. And sometimes, a challenge must be met, and a battle joined. Thus it was that when employees at Ubisoft Montreuil in France decided to blow off some creative steam by decorating their building's windows with animated characters created out of Post-it notes, their neighbors across the street at BNP Bank declared a Post-it War.

Bowser and NyanCat sparred with Mario and Bart Simpson. An Angry Bird tussled with Hobbes. Spongebob Squarepants watched the whole thing and grinned maniacally.

And, we presume, a city block's worth of employees and passers-by were the winners in the end, with a light-hearted, smile-inducing diversion to brighten up their work days. You can see the rest of the photos or even contribute your own on the l'Express website!

[Image credit: Caroline Politi, Samir Harchi]

[via Geekosystem]

Post by Katherine Gray

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