Will ABC Sports ask Pawlenty to drop ‘American Comeback’ ad?

Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty may be required to stop airing an advertisement that features video material under copyright, the Des Moines Register reports.

The campaign's recently released "The American Comeback" video includes ABC Sports footage of the 1980 Olympics hockey final, in which the United States defeated the Soviet Union in the last seconds of the game. "Out here, you're tested," Pawlenty says in the ad. "You face an opponent experts say can't be beat. You fight, you bleed, you prevail."

"It's a violation of our copyright and exclusive proprietary rights," Louise Argianas, director of rights and clearances for ABC Sports, told the Des Moines Register.

Pawlenty's spokesman Alex Conant stood by the ad. He told the Register that their use of the footage is in full compliance of the law.

"The campaign's 'Miracle on Ice' advertisement was carefully reviewed for legal compliance, and we believe fully complies with the 'fair use' doctrine," Conant said.

Attorneys at ABC Sports are discussing whether or not to demand that Pawlenty pull the ad. They have not yet made a formal request for the campaign to do so.