Another sign Chris Christie isn’t running for president

Perhaps no one has had to fend off rumors of a 2012 presidential bid more than Chris Christie, who has repeatedly quipped that only his suicide might put a stop to suggestions he's interested in next year's Republican nomination.

But here's something that might finally quiet speculation about the New Jersey governor's 2012 presidential aspirations: On Tuesday, Christie was appointed vice chairman of the Republican Governors Association.

It's a post that will continue to elevate Christie's already solid national profile—especially with GOP donors. But the job also effectively prevents him from running for higher office next year—something that Christie has repeatedly insisted he doesn't want to do.

"The ranks of Republican governors are where America can look for the ideas and courage needed to get our country back on track," Christie said in a statement issued by the RGA. "Republican governors are transforming their states with an eye on the next generation and positioning them for long-term prosperity. This new role is a great opportunity to ensure that the good ideas already reforming the way state government works take hold across the country."

Christie succeeds Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, who rose to chairman of the group when Texas Gov. Rick Perry resigned last month to run for president.