Gingrich takes his struggling campaign to Hawaii

Newt Gingrich isn't doing well in national surveys, he had a poor showing at the Iowa straw poll (where he says he couldn't afford to participate), and he has had trouble raising money and keeping his campaign staff together.

So the only natural thing to do is head to Hawaii, right?

That's exactly what Gingrich is doing this weekend, his campaign revealed Wednesday. The state does not have an early primary or caucus, but the beyond-the-West-coast campaign swing will offer Gingrich and his wife, Callista, a little down time to celebrate their 11th wedding anniversary.

Gingrich's public schedule includes plans for Gingrich and the Maui Republican Party to meet with activists in Wailuku, Hawaii, on Aug. 20 and for Gingrich to speak with students in Makawao, Hawaii, on the evening of Aug. 23. R.C. Hammond, a Gingrich spokesman, told The Ticket an additional fundraising dinner at a private home has been scheduled during the trip.

Many news outlets reported today on how convenient it is for Gingrich to find himself in Hawaii--a state that leans Democratic and favors moderate Republicans--around the time of his anniversary (the actual date of which is tomorrow, Aug. 18). Hammond confirmed that Gingrich and wife will take time off in Hawaii to celebrate their anniversary and "expenses incurred on that part of the trip are on their dime."

Questions have been raised regarding Gingrich's commitment to the 2012 race. Several top staffers exited the Gingrich campaign in June citing strategic differences after the candidate and his wife took a surprise cruise to Greece. They added an election stop in New Hampshire to that trip.