Huckabee 2012? Anonymous sources say maybe

Reuters spoke to two sources close to former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who say the Fox News host is facing pressure to jump into the race for the Republican nomination and he is "entertaining the request for conversations about it."

Mike Huckabee has been approached by Republican and conservative activists unhappy with the current crop of presidential hopefuls and he is considering entering the fray, two sources who have spoken with Huckabee told Reuters. . . . One of the sources said Huckabee was urged to enter after the recent stumbles of Texas Governor Rick Perry, who appeals to a similar right wing of the Republican party.

Huckabee first ran for president in 2008 and won the Republican Iowa caucuses with a focused message on social conservative issues.

A spokesman for Huckabee's political action committee told Real Clear Politics that his decision not to run still stands.

"[Huckabee]'s made his mind up," said HuckPAC spokesman Hogan Gidley, "and he's still comfortable with that decision."