Joe Biden tries to sell successor on daily Amtrak commute

If this whole vice-presidency thing doesn't work out for Joe Biden, maybe he could get a job at Amtrak. Biden, who took a two-hour train from Delaware to Washington almost every day during his 36 years in the Senate, is pushing his newly elected successor in the chamber to do the same.

"He said [to] make it as physically uncomfortable as possible to spend the night," said Chris Coons (who is being sworn in Monday as Delaware's new senator), as reported by CNN's Evan Glass. "Don't get a nice place, don't get a nice room. … There will always be pressures to stay," Coons says Biden told him.

Biden, who rode Amtrak so often that conductors often held the train for him if he was running a few minutes late, warned Coons that it's too easy to get sucked into Washington. "If you get a nice, comfortable place, the first year it is one night a week; the next year it is two nights a week; and four years from now you will miss every game your son plays," Coons says the VP warned him.

But Coons isn't so sure about that commute. He told reporters Monday on Capitol Hill that he's still trying to figure out what's best for him and his family.

(Photo of Biden: Gerald Herbert/AP)