LAST TICKET: Bill Clinton thinks Perry is ‘good-looking’; Pawlenty’s exit was among the quickest

Here are the stories we took note of today but didn't give the full blog treatment:

• Bill Clinton thinks Rick Perry is a "good-looking rascal." (PolitickerNY)

• Rudy Giuliani endorsed Bob Turner in the race for Anthony Weiner's old House seat. (NY Daily News)

• Tim Pawlenty's exit from the GOP field was one of the fastest ever. (Smart Politics)

• Perry slams President Obama's lack of military experience. (The Note)

• Would a stronger Obama help Mitt Romney clinch the GOP nomination? (The Atlantic)

• Was Perry carrying a gun at the Iowa state fair today? (Ben Smith)

• Giuliani expresses concern about Kathryn Bigelow's bin Laden film. (GOP 12)

• Pawlenty's top staffer in New Hampshire goes to work for Jon Huntsman. (Union Leader)

• Herman Cain says he'd be pretty thrilled about finishing fifth in the Iowa caucuses. (CBS News)

• Buddy Roemer is still running! (Politico)