LAST TICKET: Bon Jovi lands a White House gig; McConnell tears up on the Senate floor

Here are the stories we took note of today, but didn't give the full blog treatment:

• President Obama appointed Jon Bon Jovi to a White House advisory panel on community service. (Washington Wire)

• John Thune took a shot at Mitt Romney for opposing the tax cut compromise. (Politico)

• Now Mitch McConnell is getting weepy! (The Note)

• Richard Holbrooke and Jerry Seinfeld were neighbors. (The New Yorker)

• Mark Sanford again hints at a political comeback. (Political Wire)

• The FEC won't allow political donations to be made via text message. (OpenSecrets)

• Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia will teach a Constitution class for the Tea Party Caucus. (TPMDC)

• Jack Abramoff is no longer working at a Baltimore pizza joint. (Associated Press)

• Why Scott Brown isn't as vulnerable as you might think. (Hotline on Call)

• CNN will air the first 2012 GOP primary debate in New Hampshire in June. (Political Ticker)