LAST TICKET: Christie won’t disclose dealings with Ailes; Obama and Boehner prepare to play golf

Here are the stories we took note of today but didn't give the full blog treatment:

• Chris Christie denies a public records request about his interactions with Fox News chief Roger Ailes. (Gawker)

• Sarah Palin rebuts a report that she's close to a 2012 decision. (Political Ticker)

• Does Mitt Romney really have a tea party problem? (First Read)

• President Obama trails a generic GOP challenger. (Gallup)

• Obama and John Boehner are playing golf tomorrow. (Fox News)

• Joe Biden: Schmoozer in Chief. (Ben Smith)

• A top Obama aide a got a chilly reception at Netroots Nation. (The Fix)

• Why Jon Huntsman should be taken seriously. (The Caucus)

• Haley Barbour insists the GOP has to accept an imperfect 2012 candidate. (Politico)

• Arnold Schwarzenegger's popularity hits an all-time low. (PolitiCal)