LAST TICKET: Huntsman gets the Vogue treatment; Bachmann wants to be your ‘hombre-ette’

Here are the stories we took note of today but didn't give the full blog treatment:

• Jon Huntsman gets a profile in Vogue. (Vogue)

• The road to the GOP nomination leads through Nikki Haley. (Political Ticker)

• Sarah Palin says she's been talking to other potential presidential candidates. (GOP 12)

• Allen West describes himself as "the modern day Harriet Tubman." (St. Petersburg Times)

• Michele Bachmann wants to be your "hombre-ette." (CBS News)

• Can a social moderate win the GOP primary? (The Fix)

• Newt Gingrich compares his campaign to Walmart. (OC Register)

• Tommy Thompson is staffing up for a Wisconsin Senate run. (Journal Sentinel)

• Christine O'Donnell's book tour doesn't seem to be going so well. (Political Wire)

• Tom Coburn implied he might like to shoot his colleagues. (Daily Intel)