Obama’s World Bank nominee raps, croons ‘Dirty Dancing’ song

President Barack Obama's choice to head the World Bank, Dartmouth president Jim Yong Kim, is having the time of his life. No, he's never felt this way before. He swearsor so he does in this video of the "Dartmouth Idol" contest from 2011.

That's Kim at about 2'05" in his video unearthed by IvyGate blog, which says it covers "news, gossip, sex, sports and more at Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton and Yale."

The site describes his get-up of white leather jacket, black leather fingerless gloves, white fedora, black T-shirt, and space-age sunglasses as "rapping spaceman." He raps (with some help from autotune)! He, errrr, dances! He … sings the love theme from "Dirty Dancing"? Yep. That's Kim crooning "(I've Had) The Time of My Life" a little later in the video.

If there's a World Bank talent show, Kim could be a ringer.