Pawlenty staffer apologizes for Bachmann ‘sex appeal’ comment

A top adviser for presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty apologized Wednesday for suggesting rival Michele Bachmann is gaining popularity because she has "sex appeal."

Advisor Vin Weber, a former Minnesota congressman, told The Hill in a phone interview Wednesday that the Minnesota congresswoman will be "very hard to beat" in the key early caucus state of Iowa. "She's got hometown appeal, she's got ideological appeal, and, I hate to say it, but she's got a little sex appeal too," Weber said.

Weber issued an apology last night, saying:

I made a mistake that was disrespectful to my friend Congresswoman Bachmann. I've been a Bachmann supporter in her congressional bids and I apologize. I was not speaking on behalf of Governor Pawlenty's campaign but nevertheless, it was inappropriate and I'm sorry.

Pawlenty, a former governor of Minnesota, echoed Weber's regrets, telling reporters in Iowa yesterday: "I don't believe that he or anyone else should be using as a reference somebody's sex appeal to judge their fitness for office or the strength of their campaign. It was a wrong statement. He should not have been making that reference."

Many observers have noted sexist talk surrounding Bachmann's bid, including a seemingly endless string of comparisons between her and Sarah Palin, (comparisons which Bachmann has been attempting to avoid) and discussions about whether there is "room" for both women in the 2012 race.