Rick Santorum heads back to Iowa. Again.

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, who won a majority of the Iowa Republican caucus votes in January when he ran for the Republican presidential nomination, is heading back to the Hawkeye State this month, a suggestion that he may be considering another run for president.

Santorum will travel to Sioux City in northwest Iowa—a region that overwhelming supported his presidential bid earlier this year—on Sept. 20 to headline an event with the Conservative Alliance of Iowa to celebrate the anniversary of the signing of the Constitution. Santorum will make the trip through his new advocacy group, Patriot Voices, which he launched after leaving the presidential race last spring.

The trip to Iowa isn't his first since his January victory. Santorum returned to Iowa for what he called a "Thank You Tour" in June and will travel back to the state at least once more this fall after the Sept. 20 event, spokeswoman Virginia Davis told Yahoo News.