Rush Limbaugh on Clinton: ‘I don’t think he helped Obama at all last night’

Rush Limbaugh predictably ripped the Democratic National Convention on his syndicated radio show on Thursday, calling Wednesday's display "one of the worst, flattest, most embarrassing days for a political party at its convention in the history of conventions."

"The media and a lot of Democrats think the election's over because of last night," Limbaugh said. "They think last night's convention was a home run, a grand-slam home run. I'm telling you, the truth is that, in terms of average Americans watching what's going on, yesterday and last night was an absolute disaster for the Democrats."

Surprisingly, the conservative shock jock barely made mention of Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student whom Limbaugh called a "slut" and "prostitute" for her testimony about contraception earlier this year.

Instead, Limbaugh lambasted what he called the left's "idolatry" of former President Bill Clinton, Wednesday's keynote speaker in Charlotte, N.C.

"I'm telling you, they see Bill Clinton in a way that the vast majority of Americans do not," Limbaugh said. "Any party that would bring Bill Clinton out and highlight him and Ted Kennedy while at the same time claiming to have love and devotion, respect for women, is insane."

[Related: Schumer: 'If every American watched that speech the election would be over']

Limbaugh, who admitted he didn't watch Clinton's entire speech ("I got bored"), tried to calm conservatives who were "panicked" that the former president might give President Barack Obama a bounce in the polls:

I don't know how many of you are panicked because you think Clinton did well last night, but you have to keep in mind, the Democratic Party and the media all wish they were sleeping with Clinton. There is a slave-ish, irrational, love-like attachment to this guy that is irrational, and it's not rooted in reality.

I don't think he helped Obama at all last night. You know, Obama's waiting backstage to come out and accept accolades and stand in the great light of Bill Clinton, and what did Clinton do? Make him wait 'til 11:30, when the football game is at its most exciting.

"I think Clinton's out there for Clinton," Limbaugh continued. "[What] he wanted to do was tell the audience that his [first] four years smoked Obama's. He couldn't just come out and say that."

The outspoken host then crudely mocked Chris Matthews' "verbal orgasm over Bill Clinton's speech."

"Chris Matthews probably had to wear an athletic supporter to hide the bulge," Limbaugh said. "No wonder [Tom] Brokaw had to go to the hospital this morning."

Limbaugh even mocked what Brokaw said led to the dizzy spell that forced his brief hospitalization: "The Kennedy driving excuse—He took half an Ambien."

[Also read: Older, skinny Clinton is the wonky math-master Dems need]

But Fluke was rarely mentioned during Limbaugh's three-hour show.

After playing a clip of political analyst Cokie Roberts asserting that Fluke's convention speech was well-received in the hall, Limbaugh said, "Let me tell you what really happened. A lot of them were saying, 'What was this doing in prime time?'"

Instead, the law student skewering from the right was left to Ann Coulter, who on Wednesday tweeted: "Bill Clinton just impregnated Sandra Fluke backstage."