Super PAC to spend $55 million on behalf of Rick Perry

A political action committee formed by supporters of Rick Perry has ambitions to spend at least $55 million in support of the Texas governor's campaign for the Republican presidential nomination.

Documents obtained by NBC's Michael Isikoff show Make Us Great Again, a so-called "super PAC," intends to spend its unlimited and largely unregulated campaign contributions on television ads and "get out the vote" efforts during the primary.

Perry is the third Republican candidate to gain the backing of a super PAC. Two committees have formed within the last month to support Michele Bachmann's bid, including Keep Conservatives United—a group that began airing an ad in South Carolina last week attacking Perry.

Restore Our Future, another conservative super PAC, has raised more than $12.2 million to help Mitt Romney's campaign, according to documents filed in July with the Federal Election Commission. Initially, the group, which was founded by several former Romney aides, said it planned to raise and spend money during the general election. But it hinted plans could change if Romney faced a tough fight for the Republican nomination.

Perry has long been regarded as a prolific fundraiser and is expected to post a big number on his first filling with the Federal Election Commission, due early next month. But some Republican consultants told Isikoff that Make Us Great Again's spending could eclipse Perry's actual campaign.

A spokesman for the group did not respond to a request for comment from The Ticket, but according to the documents obtained by NBC, the group plans to spend at least $20 million on early primary states, including Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada and Florida.