Thursday in politics: Obama and Romney campaign in Virginia, and more

On Wednesday, President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both campaigned in Ohio — a state where Obama is leading in the polls. Today, they're both campaigning in Virginia — another state where Obama has an edge in the polls.

Obama will be in Virginia Beach, and Romney will be in Springfield, which is only a few miles from the White House.

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Also worth noting on Thursday: Ann Romney campaigns in Nevada; Tagg Romney campaigns in North Carolina; Paul Ryan attends a fundraiser in Tennessee; and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison attends an "Early Voting Rally" for Romney in Iowa — another state that has Obama out front in the polls.

And then there is this: Missouri's Republican U.S. Senate candidate Todd Akin — who got national attention when he said in an Aug. 19 TV interview that women's bodies can prevent pregnancies in cases of "legitimate rape" — continues his four-day "Common Sense" bus tour. It's unclear whether he is picking up votes, but he is picking up support from Republicans. Rick Santorum and Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina endorsed him on Wednesday. Not long after the rape comment, some pundits and politicians predicted Akin would drop out, and many in the Republican Party distanced themselves from him.

Sources: Yahoo! News, Reuters, Associated Press